Final Review Time!
After studying what our
web site has been trying to teach, 1. The vehicle you commuted back and forth to work in obtained 200 mpg energy efficiency? 2. Your commuting vehicle only held two people? 3. It traveled non-stop in complete safety at 100 mph while getting that 200 mpg energy efficiency? 4. It (on a single bi-directional guideway) had the hourly passenger capacity of a 6 lane freeway? 5. This system used existing utility right-of-ways? 6. It could be constructed without holding up existing traffic? 7. It had many, many stops so it could drop you off close to or even inside your office building? 8. A user only had to walk an average of an eighth of a mile to get to a station? 9. Private enterprise would build it without your tax money? 10. The system could make a profit for its private owners while only charging a dollar a ride or less? 11. A vehicle was always available for you (like a long line of taxi cabs waiting)? 12. A storefront owner could have an in-store station for as low as $5,000? 13. It went directly to your destination & NEVER wasted time stopping at any intermediate stations? 14. Two way tracks cost only a million dollars a mile to erect? 15. This per mile costs included everything (all poles, guideway, vehicles, stations & electrification)? 16. Each one mile of two way guideway could be erected in 7 days or less? 17. In an emergency the vehicle could stop faster than a Navy carrier plane catching a wire? 18. By inherent system guideway geometry it were impossible to have a crossing collision? 19. By design of the guideway it was impossible to derail? 20. There were no moving parts to wear out? 21. It was frictionless? 22. It (due to its phenomenal hourly passenger-mile capacity) could totally eliminate commuter congestion in cities?
The average High School student will be answering each of the above questions with "DUH!- of course - do you think we are stupid or what, man?" The real question is how will politicians and today's "official" public transit experts answer?
(Thank you John Kropf -
Aviator, Engineer, College Physics &
Computer Instructor from Seattle, WA
- for creating the above summary list. John has also put together a great
SkyTran Power Point presentation. Email him at and maybe he will send
you a CD.)
Thank you for
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