An attractive transit system

  • SkyTran’s elegant aerodynamic cars have the functional beauty of a sailplane.
  • Unlike most elevated systems, SkyTran doesn't eclipse the sky. This means far less visual impact than overpasses, roads or power lines.
  • SkyTran is small and light. Its poles and guideway are only one foot wide.
  • SkyTran's appearance can be tailored to blend with its surroundings. Sacred areas and historical districts threatened by road construction will remain undisturbed by SkyTran’s small size and low impact.
  • SkyTran’s elevated guideway means less new roads. Even highways will seem more attractive with fewer cars on them.

Overview  Convenient  Fast  Safe  Attractive  Affordable  Environment


Copyright©1999-2003, Douglas J. Malewicki, AeroVisions, Inc.