Step 2:
Next convert the Kiddy train to ROBOTIC operation:
Footnotes: This is merely a version of the new Adaptive Speed Control which can be purchased on the new S Class Mercedes. The radar sees all obstacles or vehicles in its immediate forward path. Whenever you are on "Cruise Control", your vehicle automatically senses any vehicle in your path that is moving along at a slower speed. Whenever a slower vehicle is sensed, your car automatically slows down and matches the car in front's lower speed and automatically stays a safe distance behind.
Fortunately, our Kiddy Train vehicles are confined to riding the rails, meaning they are automatically guided. Automobile traffic on two dimensional roads, however, has an infinite number of intersection collision paths. Since all Kiddy Trains are trapped to the rails, it is mechanically impossible for another Kiddy Train to cross in front of yours and surprise the radar.
For more detailed information search Alta Vista with the words "Adaptive Cruise Control". Selections below:
1. Adaptive cruise control takes to the highway . By Peter Clarke EE Times (10/20/98) Excerpt: AMSTERDAM — As the driver in the next lane swerves in front of you, you feel the gas back off and the brakes grab in the car you're driving — a Mercedes-Benz S-class luxury vehicle, the first passenger car equipped with a technology called adaptive cruise control. The technology makes these adjustments even though you haven't touched the brake or gas pedal.
A radar sensor for adaptive cruise control |