SkyTran Visitor Survey

We strongly believe that once people understand the benefits of SkyTran it will become the logical choice for public transit.  Your interest and input is important to us.  Please take a minute or two to complete our SkyTran survey.

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Email Address 


State (& Country if not USA)




Phone Number



Male   Female

How did you hear about SkyTran?



Commuting Questions

How far do you commute to work? miles each way
How long does it take in minutes? typical time
best time
worst time
How much are your weekly total commuting costs? $
How much more per week would you be willing to pay if you could cut your commuting time in half? $
How do you commute?
If  you use public transportation, please indicate which type (check all that are used in your daily commute). Subway   Light Rail
Bus         Ferry
Shuttle Van or Dial-a-Ride
If you drive, how much do you pay for gas each week? $
Do you pay for parking? Yes
                    If Yes, How much per week? $
What do you think are reasonable distances and times for the average person to commute? miles each way
minutes each way
Ten years from now, what would you consider to be an ideal commute distance and time for yourself? miles each way
minutes each way

Please make any additional comments about commuting here:

Projected SkyTran commuting times and costs

One way commute distance (miles)    5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
SkyTran trip time (minutes) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
SkyTran charge per trip (US$) 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
Weekly SkyTran commute cost (US$) 5 $0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Please rate what aspects of SkyTran are most important to you:

Commuting time issues
High speed capability for faster commuting                        
Going directly to your destination without stopping                        
No waiting for a scheduled departure                        
No waiting in line                        
No need to repeatedly purchase tickets                        
Stops inside major downtown buildings                        
More leisure time (improved quality of life)                        

Environmental issues

Uses clean, non-polluting electric power                        
Over 200 mpg equivalent energy efficiency                        
Minimum noise and vibration                        
Minimum land use (no destruction of existing property)                        
Rapid construction doesn't disturb neighborhoods                        

Cost and taxation issues

Costs only 10 cents per mile ($1 for a 10 mile trip)                        
No parking hassles or fees when going downtown                        
Much less expensive to build than Light Rail                        
Lower taxes to build SkyTran in your city                        
No taxes to subsidize annual operations                        

Safety issues

Elevated travel is safer (can't collide with cars, trucks, children, or animals)                        
Emergency  stop from top speed within 56 feet                        
No intersections - SkyTran crosses at different heights eliminating 60% of all auto type collisions.                        
Cannot derail, slide off a road, or spin out on ice                        
Never have to ride with someone you don't know                        

Business and technological issues

Commercial and Advertising Possibilities                        
Technical Alliance for SkyTran co-development                        
Investment Potential                        
Advanced Technology (Inductrack MagLev, etc)                        

In what ways might you like to help SkyTran?

Scientific/Technological endorsement
Political/Commercial endorsement
Political/Environmental voluntary action
Prospective investor
Prospective industrial alliance partner
Prospective governmental partner
Other (please specify in "comments" section below)

Please write a brief endorsement, question or comment below:

May we include you in our list of supporters?
(no information about you will be shared with third parties without your prior consent)
Yes   No

May we Email you periodic updates on SkyTran's progress?
Yes   No

Thank you for your time and help!

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