
Our analysis has taught us important principles that we find quite striking:


Collective Vehicles
Current "mass" transportation system designers assume that moving large numbers of people anywhere and everywhere around a city efficiently REQUIRES moving large groups of commuters together in large vehicles
such as trains or light rail trolleys and then shuttling them to other large collective vehicles (i.e. buses).  This is what these designers call an "Intermodal Mass Transportation System".  It involves time wasting transfers; it is a slow way to travel; and its costs are excessive.  

In light of automation and control technologies now available, it becomes quite apparent that current train, light rail and bus Intermodal Mass Transportation System technologies have become obsolete.  The only reason in the past for using large group mass transit vehicles was to amortize the wages of drivers over many fare-paying passengers.  The modern, ever more powerful computer has come down in costs so much that fast, safe, personalized travel is now possible. 

Personal Vehicles 
Automobiles are a far more desirable model for moving people than any Intermodal Mass Transportation System.  "Mass" transportation systems need to emulate or improve upon the efficient, fast, private, point-to-point transportation (without transfers) made possible by automobiles.  Can this goal be achieved?  Can we eliminate congestion?  Can it be accomplished for reasonable or low costs?  SkyTran says YES! 

The modern high powered, low cost computer allows us to now afford a personal automated driver for each and every every individual.  No longer does the cost of a human driver have to be amortized by many riders in a large group sized vehicle.  



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Copyright©1999-2003, Douglas J. Malewicki, AeroVisions, Inc.