SkyTran Introduction

Welcome to SkyTran

There are few challenges that have a greater impact on our lives than how we get around.  Most of us drive automobiles resulting in time robbing traffic jams and devastating pollution.  SkyTran is a technology that can eliminate the hassles of daily commuting, do away with much of the transportation related pollutants and do so at a speed and cost efficiency previously unheard of.

SkyTran's automated two passenger vehicles are designed using space age technology to move passengers comfortably, quietly, safely and in privacy. Available anytime day or night without the scheduling delays associated with old style transit, SkyTran takes you anywhere on the system non-stop.

While monorails are not new, our innovations are. Using hi-tech composites and cutting-edge aerodynamics, SkyTran will save commuters valuable time and money and clean up the environment at the same time. Passengers can travel at 100 mph with the energy required to run just a few hair driers.

There are other MagLev technologies available for hi-speed trains but none with the simplicity and elegance of Inductrack. More importantly none have the cost efficient capabilities necessary for both wide spread growth and short distance commutes.

Our mission is to move more people, safely while creating a cleaner environment for future generations. We have to. Our planet depends on it.  With strong public and private support we can get our transportation dilemma on track.

During your visit to our website we hope you can share in our excitement and the spirit of innovation.

Douglas J. Malewicki
SkyTran Inventor/Founder
UniModal, Inc. 

November 7, 2007 Comments by SkyTran Inventor/Founder Douglas Malewicki

SkyTran has evolved over the years has recently been incorporated as UniModal, Inc.  See: for our more professional and businesslike website information. will remain the technical source for all things SkyTran.  While not as polished and succinct as our UniModal corporate web site, this is where people willing to dig through all the available information have come to understand the logic, math and physics principals involved.  It is the reason we now have SkyTran advocates and enthusiasts all over the planet.  Thanks all.

Please note that this web site has been operational since 1999.   Due to normal inflation, a lot of my original dollar figures have doubled in the interim.  Same and worse for light rail costs.  This means that my earlier calculated $1 million per mile for Skytran installed is now closer to $2 million per mile. (It will take a month or two to recalculate and update all the website graphics to 2008 figures.  Please bear with me in the meantime.)

Also one has to be aware that:
#1 - This $2 million figure will not be achieved until SkyTran components are all manufactured in proper large scale automated mass production.  In the very beginning, say when we get a first 10 mile long system built, each of those early miles could easily cost $10 million per mile, maybe even $20 million per mile.  As our company learns how to manufacture components more efficiently and simultaneously uses profits to invest in more and more expensive advanced automation the per mile costs will keep reducing.  if you are not familiar with those concepts please take the time to read the Economy of Scales Example to get a better understanding of how that works in the real world.  Automobile manufacturing is a perfect example. 

#2 - This $2 million per mile figure is our cost, not the amount we would be selling a system to a City, State or Country.  This $2 million per mile figure has no profit built into it!  The reason for that is because we do NOT want to sell systems.  We want to own the SkyTran systems outright and sell high speed 100 mph, non-stop on demand commuter transportation services.  The last thing we would want is government employees maintaining these systems.  That would be a disaster waiting to happen, just like the typical DMV.  Thus, this $2 million per mile is the figure that we, entities or individuals will need to invest in order to participate in the SkyTran partnerships we plan to set up for cities.

How can SkyTran claim to be able to
totally eliminate commuter congestion
in any city, let alone for the same costs of one linear line of light rail?

Sounds like a scam to me!

Again - SkyTran is all about Math, Physics and Costs!  So here we go!

First of all what does "eliminate commuter congestion" mean.  If it was so simple wouldn't the government and big industry be doing it already?  Think of all the lost productivity of human brain power wasted annually in traffic congestion in the USA and all over the world.  Think of the mental frustration.  Think of all the pollution from cars idling in congested traffic that could be eliminated.  Eliminating congestion - if possible- should be a national priority.  Once you fully understand the physics, math and cost principals of SkyTran, spending billions of taxpayer's dollars annually in futile attempts to merely "reduce" congestion will seem extremely wasteful to you,

All it takes to totally eliminate commuter congestion is an integration of several of today's existing technologies and open mind.  However, we must first understand the math, physics and costs of public transit and especially why the automobile has evolved into today's transit machine of choice.

We will leave the technical details involved till later and start by assuming we can make certain innovations happen (with simple rationales) and then IF these premises can indeed be made to work that - YES, commuter congestion can be totally eliminated in any city!  The goal always has to be to do it for a reasonable investment - meaning for the same (or preferably less) amount of money being spent here and there in the USA to build useless, slow light rail systems (systems that must be subsidized heavily forever by all taxpayers and which at best only remove 1% of road traffic!  Light rail systems absolutely do not solve any problems - they just burn taxpayer money!) 

Premise #1.  Assume we can build a system that can carry the equivalent of 6 freeway lanes of passengers for less than $2 million per mile (installed, complete with vehicles and all electrification). 

Premise #2.  Assume the system is automated and safer than any other form of transportation so that hundred's and hundred's of $50,000 salary drivers are NOT required.  (Simultaneously, that eliminates the potential hassles caused by driver strikes!)

Premise #3. Assume the system does not require any acquisition of expensive Right-of-Ways.  No demolition costs.  No ground preparation costs.


#1. First we must know what Light Rail costs, so we have a baseline for comparison.  Current projections for light rail costs have jumped up to about $50 million to $100 million per mile from $35 million per mile that was average back in 1999. 

#2. If you have a city that is roughly 20 miles wide by 30 miles long (like Orange County, California where I live), then the cost to build a single light rail down the 30 mile entire length would be $1.5 to $3 billion.  (Several years ago, Orange County was trying to raise $1.8 billion to build a shorter 28 mile long system, which makes the $1.5 billion figure credible).  Instead of 30 miles of light rail, that same $3 billion would be enough for us to build and install 1,500 miles of our assumed $2 million per mile system!

#3. Theoretically, we could then entirely cover that 20 mile by 30 mile county by installing 21 parallel lines, each a mile apart, that are 30 miles long down its length = 630 miles and then perpendicular to that install another 31 parallel lines, also each a mile apart, that are 20 miles long = 620 miles.  The total would be 1250 total miles. (Yes, we would still have $500 million of the light rail budget remaining!!)

#4. The daily passenger mile capacity of this system is phenomenal!  The calculation is based on CalTrans maximum measured 2,200 cars per lane per hour.  At the accepted 1.2 passengers per car average then 6 lanes X 1.2 people per car X 2,200 cars per lane works out to be 15,840 passengers per hour per line.  If the average person was making a 10 mile commute, this system could provide 1,080,000 such trips per hour.  Orange County's population as of May  2007 was 3,098,121.  The work force or people who commute is 1,627,000 of the total population ( ).  So you can see that if every single worker quit driving, riding buses, cycling or walking to work that the ENTIRE work force could be carried to work in just 1 hour 30 minutes.  This means the end of the 3 or 4 hour rush hour!  (Note that the light rail proponents were expecting to get 38,000 riders per day!)

In a perhaps easier to understand graphical form:


Wait a second!  I am totally confused. 
How in the heck are you going to accomplish any of this this?

Very good question!
All skeptics (which should be all of you) please proceed to step two and take the

Quick SkyTran
Photo Tour


Once you study and fully understand the SkyTran principles you will find yourself extremely frustrated whenever you find yourself driving in nasty traffic congestion.   Our solution is that simple and logical. 

It is sad because it seems that all the people occasionally stuck driving at 5 miles per hour during the freeway rush hours have become sheep.  They just follow the crowd along meekly, instead of spending that time thinking about how to solve/eliminate the commuter congestion problem. 

Worse, it seems the so called transportation experts gave up long time ago.  Instead of using their brains to come up with low cost solutions, they expend huge mental effort to write long diatribes such as "Why Traffic is Here to Stay... and Will Get Worse".  Written authoritatively by Anthony Downs, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute in Washington, DC.  Published in the Fall 2004 ACCESS by The University of California Transportation Center in Berkeley, CA  Give me a break!  An intelligent sheep telling everyone to accept being sheep. Yuk!  Reminds me of throwing a live lobster in room temperature water and raising the temperature 1 degree at a time ever so slowly.  Lobster never tries to climb out - happily gets boiled to death.  A similar form of sheepism and an almost similar result.

by Douglas J. Malewicki, SkyTran Inventor & never a happy sheep.
Invention website:

Copyright©1999-2007, Douglas J. Malewicki, AeroVisions, Inc.
SkyTran, UniModal and the UniModal logo are trademarks and property of UniModal, Inc.